Five Ways to Quickly Settle into a New Job — Even if you’re working from home

Getting your bearings in a new job can be challenging, especially if you’re working from home. These tips will help successfully launch you into your new role.

Despite the challenges of career-switching during a global health crisis, you’ve landed a new job. Congratulations! Now it’s time to focus on settling in properly.

For all the ways people adjusted to remote work during the pandemic, starting a new role now can actually be harder.

How do you get up to speed with the requirements, get to know co-workers, or make a meaningful impact when not meeting anyone in person — and may not be for some time?

In my role as a career coach, I deal with new starters every week.

There are several strategies I use to help these clients start effectively, and with a little creativity, can be applied to remote work.

Read the full article on Medium.